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Ray Fromme @AlmightyRayzilla



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AlmightyRayzilla's News

Posted by AlmightyRayzilla - April 11th, 2023

I usually don't pay much attention to follower counters, but that doesn't mean I try to ignore the people who make up those numbers. So to be sappy, I just wanna say thanks for appreciating what I do!


Posted by AlmightyRayzilla - February 13th, 2023


Earthquakes are quite common in Japan, but it seemed like they were becoming more and more frequent. Furthermore, Mt. Fuji was growing active, which naturally had people concerned. A relatively small eruption had even attracted the likes of Gamera, who seemed quite content to feed on the heat and fire as the lava rolled down the slopes. The locals were rather thankful he was able to hinder the blazes before any of them could get out of hand below, but not everyone was so sure it was an act of benevolence; it may have simply been an act of an animal sating its appetite. Young Eiichi, however, was thrilled to see Gamera with his own eyes, and so near to his home even.

After that, it seemed like the earthquakes had subsided.

But then a strange, new phenomenon began occurring at Mt. Fuji. An odd, yellowish glow would rise every night. It couldn't have been another eruption; no seismic activity. And it certainly wasn't another Barugon emitting its rainbow beam. After a week, tensions rose once again when a plane passed over the area at dusk; along with a shrill, ringing sound, a thin beam shot into the air and sliced the craft in two. Despite the mangled wreckage, cleanup crews were baffled to find that there were parts - and some human remains - that were...cut too cleanly to be from the blunt forces of crashing. Until something could be concluded, all air traffic was to avoid the area, and the area was under surveillance.

A highway construction crew near the area had been dealing with their own turmoil, butting heads with the local farm community. Negotiations were in order with the village elder, but he kept trying to find every which way to hold out for as much money as possible for his fellow villagers, even if it meant encouraging the farmers barring construction or outright stealing equipment to delay them. If it meant selling their land would make them a fortune, the men were eager to hear the old man's ideas. Though these strange happenings were not making things easy.

Eiichi did find adults confusing, though. Being the only 6-year-old kid in the village, he would much rather go to the creek and look for turtles (the boy grew quite enamored with turtles since seeing Gamera). But the creek had dried up since the strange light appeared, and he was determined to find out what happened. He sneaked out early that morning, before sunrise, and began to wander his way up the creek. Maybe a rock upstream had shifted from the tremors and simply needed to be moved.

He didn't make it far when he felt the ground begin to rumble...and then a high-pitched sound rang out. He began to run back towards home when out of the base of Mt. Fuji erupted not lava, but a giant, shadowy form. It was a strange bat-like...maybe bird-like creature. One would expect such a giant figure to make a lot of noise; it was eerily quiet as it scanned its surroundings from its den.

It was hunting.

Eiichi was petrified. He wanted to run, but he didn't want the monster to notice him. The creature's arrow-shaped head turned toward the nearby city of Nagoya. Its glowing eyes stared with hunger. The uneasy silence was SHATTERED with a loud, piercing shriek, and the monster fully emerged from its den, like a vampire rising from a coffin. It spread its wings and took to the air, heading toward the city. It circled above, blending in with the night sky.

Everyone below was already shaken by the monster's initial screech. Without warning, the shadowy monster descended. It tore at the buildings, not unlike a woodpecker jabbing at tree bark scrounging for bugs. It also seemed to show resentment for the lamps illuminating the roads and walkways, swiping at them to snuff them out. A nearby railway bridge was the path of a commuter train. The monster, anticipating its approach, leaped and used its talons to pounce on it, like a falcon catching a snake. Its sharp beak then tore away at the metallic serpent, greedily snapping for its terrorized passengers.

After it finished with the train, it let out another screech as it dove its head toward fleeing pedestrians. That awful screech was disorienting. More than the sound of it being loud, it was fear-inducing. This was more than a game of hunter and hunted. It was like the monster was actively trying to traumatize its prey.

Suddenly, a large explosion near the monster's side caused it to back away. Then another. Fire seemed to be raining from the sky. Some would have thought maybe Mt. Fuji was erupting again, but no. Eiichi knew what it was. Rather...WHO.

The unmistakable shape and jet-like WHOOSH indicated it was Gamera, descending upon the monster! He ducked into his shell and slammed into the monster, knocking it back. As the shadowy creature regained its footing, Gamera made his landing. As massive as Gamera was, the other monster was rather daunting, with its wings spread out and head held high. There came that awful, hateful screech again. As if to answer the challenge, Gamera let out his own voice. Now that roar was loud in its own right, but to Eiichi, it sounded far more reassuring and hopeful.

Gamera let loose another fireball. The creature was swift, easily dodging it. Gamera then shot a few more fireballs in rapid fire, but a sickly cloud billowed from the monster's body. It was dousing them before they could even reach it! With another of its awful screeches (which almost sounded like mocking laughter to Eiichi) then came another sound - the high-pitched ringing. The monster had shot a thin, yellow beam from its mouth. Gamera quickly turned to have his carapace take the hit. While sparking, it bounced off and did no harm. A second beam, however, caused Gamera to shriek and falter. A large laceration on Gamera's leg dripped with his green blood.

The winged monster lunged forth, pushing Gamera back and throwing him to the ground. Then with another shrill ringing, Gamera let out another cry in pain as the winged creature's beam sliced across his arm. The creature's foot came crashing down on Gamera's head. The monster began to charge its beam again...but then it stopped and looked up, towards the east. The sun was beginning to rise, and the top of the creature's arrow-shaped crest began to glow red.

Suddenly, it let out a yelp. Gamera managed to snare the creature's foot with his powerful jaws. As is the nature of a turtle, he was not keen to let go. The beast tried to take to the air, but Gamera was too heavy to lift. It tried to claw at him with its free foot, but Gamera grabbed that with his hand. It then let loose its slicing beam, striking Gamera a few times in the head and hand. While Gamera's hand loosened, he STILL refused to open his mouth and let this thing escape.

The sun itself now crept above the horizon, and the monster was now screeching in sheer panic. In a final, desperate unleashing of its beam, it pointed at its own leg...

With a clean slice, the monster was free, taking to the air. It headed towards where it had emerged from near the base of Mt. Fuji, and disappeared underground. Gamera, his own green blood and his foe's purple blood streaked across his face, angrily snarled with its foot still in his mouth. After a few huffs, he tossed the severed limb away, where it hit the ground with a lifeless splat. With an exhausted look, Gamera pulled himself into his shell, ignited his rockets and spun into the air, heading to sea to recuperate.

Later that day, the field team sent to investigate the happenings around Mt. Fuji arrived to the village, eager to question any witnesses. Eiichi was the most eager to recount what he saw to both scientists and press, since he could actually talk about Gamera with people just as happy to listen. One would think he was spinning quite the tall tale, but Gamera, Barugon, and now this monster...even men of cold, hard reason were listening with undivided attention. He insisted the new monster be called "Gyaos", because, as he put it, that's what its hateful screech sounded like.

Something else from the boy's story that fascinated the scientists as well was the severed foot. They had retrieved the foot and brought it into a lab for observation. Though Eiichi was insistent that it was far bigger than it actually was. The scientists were intrigued that Gyaos's head glowed red and that it seemed desperate to hide when the sun came up, so maybe there was a connection.

Eiichi's grandfather was not so sure he wanted to dive any further into this. He and his community would be coming into a lot of money, he pompously gloated, and he didn't want any of this to hinder the transaction. The scientists weren't sure they could make a promise, but the old man told them to stay out, and that they'd best stick to their own devices.

Meanwhile, Gyaos hunkered down in its lair. Normally, the creature would have taken time to sleep. Instead, it spent all day and night picking at its stump, like it was preening. The cleanly cut stump had stretched out and grown. Pecking a stalactite, Gyaos threw the rock onto it, wincing from stinging pain. More time had passed, and talons had emerged and hardened. The foot had regrown, and now even looked as if the appendage was never lost. Gyaos stomped its new foot on the ground...and felt no pain. It was fully healed, but the sun would be up soon, so the monster reluctantly chose to wait.

At sundown, the hunt would begin again.

The next morning, the farmers stormed the front yard, with anger on their faces. Rumors were mounting that the highway construction was going to divert and not even bother with the land purchase. A bad year for crops, the livestock sold in preparation for the land purchase, and now the monsters practically at their doorsteps...they were FUMING. They went to all the trouble to hold out for more money, only for the possibility they'll get nothing at all. The old man tried to calm them down, but they only seemed to grow angrier.

Suddenly, Eiichi began flinging his toys at the angry men, screaming at them to leave his grandfather be, calling them selfish. His mother managed to calm him down, then assertively told the men to settle this matter later. As if a fire had been doused, the men solemnly turned and left for their homes. The old man collected himself, and looked about the yard at the toys, some of which had been broken. He bent down to pick up as many as he could, annoyed that his grandson had normally been so careful with them. He walked to the door and saw Eiichi scribbling away with his crayons. His mother knelt down to watch, inquiring what his new masterpiece was. Eiichi was scribbling Gamera, and he said that he would come back to defeat Gyaos.

The old man looked at the battered trinkets in his hands, then back at his grandson, and gave some thought about the land sale...

Searchlights and flares were set up around the hole from where Gyaos emerged and retreated. The scientists heading the countermeasures determined Gyaos was nocturnal, but peculiarly so. Direct UV rays caused the severed foot to shrink and become brittle. Perhaps bright lights would give the bloodthirsty monster pause to emerge, especially after losing its leg. Everything would be ready by nightfall.

However, an order to turn on as many lights as possible in Nagoya had overloaded the power grid. A total blackout. It was now a race against time. The monster would see Nagoya as an entire buffet if the power could not be restored.

Eiichi and his grandfather arrived to speak with the field team. After speaking with the other farmers, no one was worried about the land sale anymore. Gyaos was the real problem. The old man did a lot of hunting back in his younger days, but much preferred trapping. Eiichi compared the two monsters, mostly that they seem to be opposites - Gamera likes fire, and Gyaos hates it; Gamera is okay in sunlight, Gyaos is not. Gamera doesn't get dizzy when he spins, so maybe Gyaos would get dizzy when spun. He suggested luring it atop a revolving restaurant to spin it around until it was too dizzy to get away while the sun rose. The scientist chuckled, telling Eiichi doing so would be impractical...but he commended his way of thinking outside the box. Eiichi's plan might have some merit to it.

As quickly as possible, meat of all kinds was being flown in. The farmers even chipped in, hauling in what meat they had leftover from their own slaughterhouse. The plan was simple. All of the meat would be heavily laced with tranquilizing chemicals, with the hope of Gyaos being rendered unconscious - too dizzy to fly - while the sun came up.

But the sun was setting, and Nagoya's power grid was not yet operational. As the last rays slipped beneath the horizon, there came the eerie glow, and Gyaos emerged (obviously, its regenerated leg sparking horrified curiosity). Flares were set off between it and the city, in hopes to sow disinterest in the vulnerable target. Thankfully, the monster was far more interested in the wafting smell coming from the pile of meat. The monster was somewhat skeptical...but its hunger got the best of it. It began pecking at the morbid banquet prepared for it, savoring each morsel.

After a few minutes, the monster's body began to show signs of relaxation. It continued to gobble up its meal, but slower...and slower... Though lacking eyelids, the eyes gave a stare of unconsciousness, and Gyaos' body slumped. The sedative had taken effect!

...For only a fleeting moment.

The monster lurched awake and stood to its feet, and it resumed devouring the rest of its feast. To make the matter even worse, Nagoya's power grid flashed to life. The flickering city lights caught the attention of the reawakened Gyaos. It let out its horrible, hateful screech toward the city, letting the populace know it was coming.

But then came the sounds of hooping and hollering from the nearby village. Everyone, even Gyaos, turned to see what it could be.

The farmers and some of the road construction workers took torches and ignited what was left of the frayed crops and dry brush. Kickstarted with gasoline, the fire burned bright and strong, enough to give Gyaos concern. It began to fly toward the blaze, already using its wings and extinguishing cloud to douse the blaze. Just then, Eiichi's mother screamed for her son.

Eiichi had grabbed another torch and ran with it out into the open field, setting another fire. Gyaos scowled at the boy's defiance. It landed and began approaching him. Like before, it was as if it took pleasure in instilling fear in its prey, a fear that Eiichi could feel growing with every passing second. Just then, an incoming projectile flew in and slammed right into the menacing creature, leaving an unsightly wound on its body. It sounded like a squadron of jets overhead. Perhaps the JSDF was mobilized and firing on it?

No. This was much bigger.


With an earthshaking thud, Gamera landed and stood before Gyaos, ready to take on the winged monster once more. However, Eiichi was caught between the titans. Gamera charged at Gyaos, grappling it with his hands. The boy desperately tried to run back to his family, but it seemed like there was no way he was going to get around Gyaos. Why wouldn't Gamera just unload and blast Gyaos away with his fiery breath? But all Eiichi could think about was getting the hell out of there.

But even if that was the case, Gyaos felt no remorse in using its own weapon. Gamera winced as the piercing beam sliced into his shoulder, but that wasn't enough to make him back down. Gamera turned his arm and ignited the thruster on it. The intense wave of heat that shot from it went right into Gyaos' wing, easily burning through the membrane. Even with its regenerative powers, the monster was now incapable of flying away.

Gyaos angrily lunged at Gamera, knocking him onto his back. Eiichi's family watched in horror. They never did see him get away. Was...he crushed under the monster?

Gyaos had Gamera pinned down again. Gamera opened his mouth to expel his breath of fire, but Gyaos' talons shoved his face into the ground. Gamera tried to ignite his thrusters, but Gyaos mockingly let out its vapor and snuffed the flames. This time, there was no rising sun to scare it away. Even to Gamera, this felt like the end...but the defiance in his eyes refused to be extinguished.

But to Gyaos' surprise, it spotted a gleaming light in the corner of its eye, and turned to look at where it was coming from.

Eiichi's grandfather had taken a road flare and angrily hurled it at the monster. He was furious at the monster. Deep inside, he felt that Gyaos was the reason for the farmers' poor crops. He felt that Gyaos had made the land worthless. He felt that Gyaos was comeuppance for only caring about the money the land would fetch. And now his grandson was gone. Curse the highway construction. Curse this monster. Curse his selfishness.

But that small act made a big difference.

Gyaos felt itself being upended. It belted out its hateful shriek, but it was cut off, only able to gurgle. Gamera had lunged out his head to bite, right down on the monster's throat.

Gamera began to drag the flailing monster away...toward Mt. Fuji. Perhaps it was fate that the volcano had rumbled to life again, or maybe the heavy weight of the monsters throwing each other around had triggered something. But one thing was clear - Gamera was dragging Gyaos toward it. And not long after, the giant turtle, refusing to loosen his grip, was dragging his foe up the slope...to the crater...

Gyaos' arrow-shaped crest glowed red. Gyaos was afraid.

The heat was intense. The winged monster sprayed its extinguishing cloud...but the volcano's heat never faltered. Gamera and Gyaos then slipped out of sight, into the glowing crater. All that was seen then was a strange, yellow glow. It flickered...and then...nothing. Many thought that was the end of both monsters, until a bluish glow appeared, spiraling out of the crater. Gamera was a sturdy monster who fed on fire and heat, so molten lava would not harm him. The threat of Gyaos was gone, and Gamera was victorious...but at what cost?

Many expected Gamera to go back home to sea, but curiously, he landed and stood up. He began striding back toward the village. The fires had gone out, so there was nothing here for him.

As he grew closer, it was obvious the great beast was carrying something in his hand. It was...

Eiichi was alive!

Gamera towered over the village. His hand lowered to the ground, and Eiichi disembarked, a smile on his face as if he had been on a carnival ride, into the waiting arms of his mother and grandfather, thankful that he was okay. The monster let out one last roar of victory, and began walking away. With a good distance between himself and the humans, Gamera ignited his powerful rockets and took to the sky.

Just then, the science team showed up, having witnessed the encounter. The scientists were completely dumbfounded by what they had witnessed. Normally, Eiichi would have been ecstatic to share his experience of Gamera protecting him and escorting him, but he felt tired from being up so late (and, as fun as it was, he felt quite dizzy from being up so high in Gamera's clutches). The old man was then approached by the contractor of the highway construction. The work was only postponed, not rerouted, and they had every intention of going through with the purchase. The old man looked to the farmers, and then to his grandson, who smiled back at him. With a twinkle in his eye, and much to the delight of the farmers, he was ready to sell.


Several months later, Eiichi parted ways with his friends from school, and strolled to his house. Like all the houses in this small suburb, it was not a lavish, boastful structure, but it didn't need to be. It was home for him and his mother.

After eating a hearty supper, the boy went up to his room to finish his homework. Before doing so, he took a moment to admire a humble shrine on his dresser, dedicated to his two heroes - a photo of his late grandfather, and a small, comma-shaped bead.



Previous Chapter


Posted by AlmightyRayzilla - February 13th, 2023


On a South Pacific Island, a group of five "archaeologists" were exploring a large, underground cavern, much to the chagrin of the locals.

They were warned of a deadly curse that would bring great pain and suffering; in their native tongue, they called it "Barugon". No one - especially any outsider - was allowed in the Valley of the Rainbows. And that's exactly where this cave was. And, as is the rhetoric of many cautionary tales, no one ever should have set foot there.

The team thought maybe the curse the natives spoke of was a warning about the extremely toxic scorpions that resided there, whose venom could kill in agonizing minutes. Or maybe there were discarded munitions littered about when the island saw action during World War II. Or maybe it was all hullabaloo to deter treasure hunters from plundering any riches stored there.

The head of the expedition, a Japanese man known only as Onodera, knew the scorpions were no joke. And given he was stationed here during the war, he was certainly cautious of any hazards that may have been left behind. But most assuredly, he knew there was treasure here - an opal, bigger than his fist. He had gotten separated from his unit when a nasty storm had struck and happened upon the cave, where he had found the opal. Stranded for a couple days, he had time to think, seeing it best to leave the gem behind, for he would not risk it being confiscated...or possible have equally greedy eyes compete for its possession. So he placed it in a small box and buried it in a spot that he would find upon his return, should he gather the proper funding.

And sure enough, there was the box containing the opal, right where he had left it.

After the team was dazzled by its vibrancy, Onodera had it snugly placed into a sturdier container. Taking hold of it, he bolted out of the chamber. That is when the explosives he had smuggled with him and planted when no one was looking detonated. The less number of people to return, the less the money the rock could fetch would be divided.

As he confined himself to his bunk on the ship, Onodera eyed his prize. He was somewhat perplexed by how unusually cold the opal felt. He shone a UV lamp onto it, and the gem glowed a dazzling iridescence, almost as if it were being brought to life! This little tidbit might sway the investor to pay even more, he thought.

The sound of approaching footsteps startled him, so he slipped the opal under a blanket. It was only a crew mate on his break, hoping for an extra hand in Mahjong before the ship reached port in Kobe. A bit reluctant at first, Onodera felt he could use a little bit of fun. After all, he was about to be set for life, so what does he have to worry for?

However, he had forgotten to turn off the UV lamp. Even from under the blanket, the opal glowed...then began to burn through the fabric...then crack apart...

The ship had barely been docked when a sudden explosion engulfed it. Then it was...covered in ice...?

Of those who made it off the ship, Onodera was one of them. He so happened to meet with his investor, who was in no mood to pay for merchandise that wasn't present. Before he could explain how he had left the opal on the ship, something stirred in the harbor, moving toward shore. From the churning tide arose a gigantic chameleon-like creature. Smashing the dockside warehouses and refueling tanks for ships, the ensuing fires dazzled the scales of the creature. Try as he must, Onodera could not deny the monster's scales looked a lot like the iridescent shimmer of the opal.

That was the last thought to cross his mind as the beast's foot trampled him and buried him in the rubble.

As Barugon advanced toward Osaka, exhaling a mist that froze all it touched, the JSDF was doing all they could to repel the beast. Close range attacks could do little against the sub-zero vapors. Having enough of the irritating shells pelting it, the monsters spines began to glow, then a rainbow-like beam poured from its back, burning, melting, and disintegrating all it touched.

It was then that a strange swirl appeared, streaking across the sky...then descended toward the creature. It was GAMERA! Barugon fired its beam again, but it had no effect on the giant turtle's sleek carapace. Barugon lashed its tongue out, grabbing Gamera by the arm and pulled him in. Gamera winced as the monster bit down. He wrestled the chameleon loose, then retaliated by blasting a powerful fireball from his mouth! Striking hard, Barugon shrieked in pain as the blast had left a laceration on its side.

Barugon angrily puffed up and belched its icy vapor. Gamera held up his arm to block it, but there wasn't much he could do. The ice that gathered on him began to render him immobile. With one final gust, Barugon froze Gamera where he stood.

Osaka lay ominously quiet in its spontaneous winter, as Barugon scuttled to the outskirts of the city to allow its wound to heal. Rain had begun to fall, and it was noted the monster seemed to be in agony, scrambling for any cover it could find before furiously digging out a small den in a hillside.

Scientists who had hoped to collect samples of Barugon's blood were astonished to discover a possible ace up the sleeve. This was why it was agitated by the rain - direct contact with fresh water caused the blood to turn corrosive! If it could bore a few feet into solid pavement, imagine what the cocktail was doing to the creature's insides. It was also noted that some buildings struck by the rainbow beam, particularly ones with large, shiny windows, seemingly had little or no damage. The hunch was confirmed when vehicles, found burned to a crisp, were left with their rearview mirrors unscathed. The beam could be reflected!

As tiresome as it was, a series of large mirrors were erected during the downpour. The timing of its completion couldn't be better, for as soon as the storm exhausted its last drops, Barugon emerged, its wound healed.

Crawling into the designated target area, the JSDF fired upon it in hopes of goading the lizard into shining its rainbow at the mirrors. The plan was working - the beam struck and bounced right back into Barugon. The creatures shiny scales were stained with its blood, already beginning its volatile reaction as firetrucks doused the monster in water. Furiously, its tail uncoiled and swatted away the trucks. Despite its agonizing howls, it was not mortally wounded. It was a much wiser creature, unfortunately, as it had no intention of using its rainbow beam again. All anyone could do was watch in despair as Barugon trundled away, unopposed.

Meanwhile, Gamera, thought to have been frozen to death, stirred to life! Breaking the ice that gathered across his body, he retracted his hind legs, fired his thrusters and took off, heading toward Barugon. When he got there, he immediately pulled in his arms and head, ramming forcefully into Barugon, flinging it to a nearby lake. Barugon knew how deadly the body of water would be with its open wounds.

Gamera landed in front to impede its escape. Once again, Barugon unleashed its tongue and snared him by the neck this time, yanking him to the ground on all fours. Though slightly fazed, and with Barugon's tongue still gripping him, Gamera took hold of the tongue with his hand and began to pull...towards the lake.

Barugon was filled with panic. With a hesitant but sharp bite, its teeth sliced into the elastic flesh of its tongue, severing it. Both monsters reeled in opposite directions. Barugon tried to shake off its pain, but before it could do anything, Gamera's head lunged out, his jaws clamping down on Barugon's neck.

Barugon tried clawing at him, but Gamera's thick scutes wouldn't allow any kind of devastating strike. It tried to freeze him with its breath, but it was unable to point itself at him. It tried to grab anything with its unfurled tail, but nothing was strong enough for it to anchor itself. Barugon could only flail, but it was futile. True to his turtle-like form, Gamera was not letting go. Finally, both monsters submerged beneath the lake.

Barugon's blood seemingly boiled the water as the creature began to dissolve. After a long silence, the lake suddenly caught fire in an opalescent array of color, as the cocktail of Barugon's hydrated blood ignited. Gamera rose up and gradually began nourishing himself on the flames, down to the last spark. With Barugon vanquished, Gamera looked toward the spectating defense force...but none felt he had any intention to attack. With a roar of triumph, he tucked himself into his shell and spun away into the sky.

Did Gamera only fight Barugon the way a predator seeks prey? Animals disputing territory? Or could it be...

As time passed, word had reached the village in the South Pacific that Barugon was destroyed by Gamera. The people no longer lived in fear of the curse, knowing that if another should appear, Gamera would be there to stop it. The sole survivor of Onodera's betrayal chose to live out the rest of his days on that island, to start his life anew. While his curiosity did pull at him once in a while, the more he realized the Valley was not for humans to capitalize. Who knows what other "curses" could be out there, waiting to be unleashed by someone's greed?

He couldn't answer that definitively, but any fears over such things he had were quashed, ever since he came into possession of that comma-shaped bead out there in the Valley of the Rainbows.


Next Chapter: RAVENOUS

Previous Chapter



Posted by AlmightyRayzilla - February 13th, 2023


In 1965, a plane of unknown origin or intent was carrying a nuclear warhead, when it suffered engine failure and crashed in the Arctic, its cargo detonating. While a calamity in and of itself, the immense blast stirred something. From the ice, an ancient beast of incredible power awakened. Tales passed down through generations of the indigenous people of the north told of such a beast...GAMERA.

While it was assumed Gamera would succumb to radiation poisoning, it had instead absorbed the otherwise lethal radiation unharmed. Consumed it. After disappearing beneath the waves, the monster surfaced in Japan, seemingly targeting heavy industrial structures. He caused explosions as he tore through the air-choking complexes, scarfing up the fires that ensued. The more fire he sparked, the more he consumed, the stronger he became.

Artillery fire had little effect on the walking fortress, but with a few precision strikes, Gamera was toppled onto his back. Even with his articulated shell and bipedal anatomy, his struggles could not put him right. The collective sigh of relief that he was defeated was cut short, as the kaiju pulled in his limbs, head, and tail. From the "spurs" on his arms and legs, he emitted intense jets of fire, causing his large form to right itself, then ascend into the air, spinning faster and faster - Gamera was capable of flight! The onlooking soldiers and scientists were left in complete awe as Gamera disappeared into the sky.

Elsewhere, as evening drew in, Toshio pedaled his bicycle to the old abandoned lighthouse. He frequented this place, always catching glimpses of the distant ships as they headed to and from the wide open ocean. This time, he was secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of Gamera.

Much to his shock, his wish was answered, as the massive turtle rose out of the water, with thunderous crashes as its feet struck the shallows of the beach. The old lighthouse, even in its decrepit state, had withstood many a crashing wave and roaring wind in its time. But most assuredly, it was not designed to withstand THIS. The boy knew this too, as he began to turn and run as Gamera's thundering footsteps grew closer. Finally, the structure had enough, and it began to yield to the monster's presence. Toshio clung tightly to a handrail, which broke free and swung out and dangled him over the edge of the rocky shore the lighthouse was perched upon. There was little he could do aside from cry for help as his grip gradually weakened...and failed.

He most assuredly would have perished had not a giant, scaly hand splayed below him and cushioned his fall.

Gamera...saved him...? Or perhaps found his next meal? For a brief moment, their eyes locked.

Instead of being devoured in a single gulp - as anyone would have anticipated upon finding themselves in the clutches of a such a behemoth - Gamera gently set the boy down. With what felt like a stern, but reassuring glance, the beast turned and calmly slipped back into the ocean. Regaining his composure, the boy noticed a glowing, comma-shaped object in his hand...

As he watched the massive carapace submerge under the blanket of waves, Toshio hopped on his bicycle and rushed home.




Posted by AlmightyRayzilla - February 2nd, 2023

I won't be uploading any of my art this weekend, as I will be at Little Rock Anime Fest! I hope you've all been liking my art thus far, because there is definitely more on the way!

In the meantime, I hope everyone in the US is staying safe during this recent winter storm, and I hope everyone else is staying safe in your corners of the world. I'll get back to uploading stuff next week.


Posted by AlmightyRayzilla - January 23rd, 2023

Long story short, I had been considering migrating from DeviantART for quite some time, but the somewhat recent hullabaloo about AI stuff just doesn't sit well with me, and that was the last straw. Times changed, so it's time for a change of scenery.

Anywho...hello, Newgrounds! I'm Ray. I'm a multimedia artist, specializing in lineart sketches/digital colors, markers, acrylic paintings, Perler beads, and most recently, 3D printing! I also go around to cons in the Midwestern US to peddle my art. Keep an eye out for those con schedule updates!

Also, I'm making this post to inform those checking out my work here that I'm going to be uploading quite a bit of my older stuff first. I know many artists look back on their older works and cringe, but I like having it around. It shows how much I've progressed over time, and there are some pieces I'll look back on and say, "If I could do that then, imagine what I could do now".

I look forward to this new chapter in my art career, and I hope you enjoy my work!

And be sure to check my Linktree to see all the other places I post my art (and where to get it)!

Also, since I mentioned cons - here is my current schedule for 2023!